Categories: General

Pre-Season Alerts

Hello FPF, we are one day away from the start of the new season! We hope you are as excited as we are!

Here is an article outlining several key points prior to this weekend’s games. Of course, if you have any questions- please do not hesitate to reach out to us and we will be happy to answer any questions or clarify anything you need clarified.



FPF games are played in the rain- however we have measures in place for lightning. Our current measures state that if less than 30 seconds elapse between a flash of lightning and the ensuing sound of thunder (indicating the lightning’s approximate distance of 30 km or less), the game will be temporarily paused. There will then be a maximum delay of 20 minutes before the game is postponed. Any postponed games will be played in Week #11.


There are different rules regarding spectators for indoor and outdoor games. The good news is that spectators are permitted at all of our venues this season!

Outdoor games: Spectators will be asked to remain outside of the enclosed field and will not need to wear a mask.

Indoor games: As per government protocol for indoor sports, a maximum of 25 spectators per field (one-third field) are permitted, however they are required to wear a face covering at all times.


Upon entering the field of play, we will ask all participants, including players and league staff to sanitize their hands thoroughly prior to entering the field of play and before exiting. FPF will have sanitizer on-site.

FPF will not be measuring players’ body temperatures this season. Note: Complexe Bell in Brossard have informed us that they will be taking body temperatures of all entrants (including league staff) when entering their facility.

Remember, if you’re feeling symptomatic in any way, please stay home.

Face Coverings/Masks

Quebec is shifting back to a Green-Zone as of Monday. We’ll keep tabs on the updated guidelines put forth by the Provincial public health officials- the current instructions surrounding masks at sporting games are a bit unclear amidst the switch from yellow to green. For the time being:

Outdoor: players will not be required to wear a mask at any point during the game, even while on the bench. Staff and officials will be encouraged to wear a mask when they cannot respect a 2m distance with players.

Indoor: players will not be required to wear a mask at any point during the game, even while on the bench. Once their game is over, they will be asked to wear a mask/face covering as they walk through the common area of the facility as per government protocol.

Any outdoor spectators who wish to enter the fenced area to watch games will be asked to wear a mask (as per government protocol)- we prefer spectators stay outside the fenced-off playing area whenever possible, however.

Pre-Game Roster Submission:

Teams are now asked to submit their pre-game roster using the form found on this link:

You can also find this form under RESOURCES > ROSTER SUBMIT on the main menu of our site.

Captains can select their location for any game and an email will be sent directly to their scorekeeper.

In the roster section, you’re asked to list players’ full names and numbers- as well as any specification (example: not in uniform)


We’re allowing teams to use our pinnies again this season, however- we will only allow a set of pinnies to be used once per night. No team will be permitted to wear soiled pinnies.

We kindly ask teams to please create a makeshift second set of jerseys for themselves by using old white t-shirts and a marked on number. If your main color is white, then aim for gray.

Please keep these in your bag for games where opponents have matching jerseys (visitors wear pinnies).

Pre-Game Procedures

We kindly ask that all teams wait 15-minutes before their game to access the field. Teams may warm up on the middle field, but are asked to keep the sidelines with team benches clear.

Post-Game Procedures

We kindly ask that all teams clear out from the playing/bench areas immediately after they have completed their game. Teams are invited to hang out and linger outside the fenced area of the outdoor field, and outside the indoor complexes, please.

For Co-Ed 1 and Division C teams

Since there are an odd-number of teams in Co-Ed 1 and Division C, some teams will have a bye week and a double header on their schedule.

For Co-Ed 2 and Division B teams

In any crossover game with a higher division team, the team and QB caps of the higher caliber will be utilized- as a result, teams can surpass their usual caps in their crossover games.

Flag belts

The former “triple-threat” flag belts (the yellow and red ones) will no longer be eligible for use in FPF. As of this season, only the white FPF flag belts will be permitted in any FPF game. Flags are always available for purchase ($5) at the field.

FPF Roster and Administrative Rules

FPF has many administrative rules in place. We strongly encourage any teams captain to read the following document, especially new captains:



Have a fantastic season!