Bombsquad’s Breakdown (D2) – Week 1


With the new FPF season underway, I figured I’d mix things up in my first edition of ‘Bombsquad’s Breakdown’. As many of you know, our website crashed this week, leaving us scribes scrambling for data that we can use in our articles. Rather than writing up a vanilla, generalized article, I figured I’d write a spinoff version of ‘Twas the night before Christmas’ poem. Enjoy!


‘Twas the opening weekend, and all through FlagPlus

The season got off rolling, without any fuss.

The teams were all ready, to see how they’d fair.

In hopes that a championship soon would be their’s.


The All Blacks and Wolverines would start out our year,

With the All Blacks ending their contest with a cheer.

The Kingz versus Air Squad were the next in our realm,

With the Kingz dominating with Pollice at the helm.


The Triple Sixers and G-Men took their turn on the ladder,

The game ending with a hail mary, that just wouldn’t matter.

The G-Men escape with a victory in their grasp,

The Sixers watch on, left with only a gasp.


Wolfpack and X’s and O’s were next to try,

But it didn’t make a difference as the game ended in a tie,

The Mercs and MoMo gave it their best,

With the Mercs coming out ahead in their test,


Gold Standard and ONS got over the fence,

With GS dominating with solid defense,

The Ruff Ryders and Wildcats would take us out,

With the Ryders ending the game in a route.





So Now Lapierre! Now Murray! Now Pollice and Settino

On Ulley! On O’Brien! On Chaoual and Di Fazio!

To the top of the league, to be # 1 above all,

Let’s go QB’s this is your wake up call!


With the season ahead on their shoulders this rests,

To defeat all other teams, is unfortunately their test.

So make their game plans is what they’ll do,

Hoping to score lots of points and stop the other team too.


The division looks strong with some teams really stacked,

I wrote G-Men instead of C-men, my PC must be hacked.

A win won’t come easy no matter what team you’re with,

Get ready to battle as if you are fighting the Sith.


With last week’s games I have written about,

What’s next will take us on our way out.

So sit back and read what I have to say,

Because Bombsquad’s picks are now on the way


The Wolfpack and Gold Standard start off the next week,

With Gold standard winning but by only a squeak,

The Wildcats and MOMO are next to do battle,

But MOMO will drive the Wildcats like cattle.





Wolverines and Triple Sixers will roll the die,

But it will be the Sixers’ number who comes out high,

ONS and All Blacks will come face to face at the pass,

To win O’Brien better get it together fast.


Air Squad will get some X’s and O’s

Who will win this one, nobody knows,

Then the Kingz and Ruff Ryders will get it on,

But it will be the Ryders singing a victory song.


Finally the Mercs and the G-men will end off the week,

Who will win is the answer you seek.

Alas it is not my place to say,

For it is at this time I get MY chance to play.


This concludes my first article for div 2 this year,

If you liked what you read I hope you keep coming back here

So here we all are with another FlagPlus season in sight,

I wish Good Luck to all, to play on championship night!


I will see you back here next week, with my regular article! Feel free to contact me at [email protected]. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.